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italy report 2020

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The year 2020 for Italian sport was a very difficult year as I believe in many other parts of the world, due to the Covid emergency.

We organize a National Paramotor Championship cat. PF1 in October 2020 with 10 registered pilots, also open to outsider pilots (about 5) who only did a few test tasks and were not included in the general classification, but the score was calculated anyway. This type of initiative has allowed us to have more pilots who have tried the tasks and prepared for next year's race. In this way we were also able to increase the number of FAI cards in comparison to 2019 (about 10).

No accidents occurred during the competitions or during the training of the athletes during the year. The race committee is very satisfied with the fair play and discipline of the pilots over the years.

We also planned two introductory stages to competitive activity for young paramotor and microlights pilots, but the lockdown did not allow it. Likewise, the Italian Microlights Championship could not be done due to Covid restrictions.

However, our Aero Club of Italy (AECI) has fully supported us technically and also economically. Through AECI it was possible to insert new marshals and judges, thanks to a qualification course and they were immediately put on the field during the Italian championship in October.

The National team and the technical staff needed for the Competition 2020 were also ready for a total of 10 people.

Added by Ettore ANGELETTI Last edited by Richard Meredith-Hardy on 27 Nov, 2022 09:32. Quick links: or italy report 2020
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