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11 - Backtracking

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Proposal from

José Luis Esteba, delegate from Spain.

Proposal title

Move the definition of backtracking from Annex 3 to the main body of Section 10.

Existing text

Section 10, Annex 3

During a navigation along a leg, competitors must not backtrack along the track line agains the direction of the task. If there is a need to backtrack, competitors must leave the track line and fly back well clear of it before rejoining the track line at an earlier point.
Backtracking is defined as flying with an angle of greater tha 90 degrees in respect to the intended flight direction. This limitation is extended to the corridor defined by the width used to score gates in the task.

Section 10, main body.


New text

Section 10, Annex 3

During a navigation along a leg, competitors must not backtrack along the track line against the direction of the task. If there is a need to backtrack, competitors must leave the track line and fly back well clear of it before rejoining the track line at an earlier point.
Backtracking is defined as flying with an angle of greater than 90 degrees in respect to the intended flight direction. This limitation is extended to the corridor defined by the width used to score gates in the task.

Section 10, main body.


4.24.5 During a navigation along a leg, competitors must not backtrack along the track line against the direction of the task. Backtracking is defined as flying with an angle of greater than 90 degrees in respect to the intended flight direction. This limitation is extended to the corridor defined by the width used to score gates in the task.

Current points 4.24.5 and beyond should be renumbered.


The definition of backtracking was introduced as a clarification to solve many discussions raised during competitions. However, as it is defined in Annex 3, it is possible to write a Local Regulations where the provision is deleted. Being an important security concern, this shouldn't be a topic of discussion during the approval process of each Local Regulations.

Added by José Luis Esteban Last edited by José Luis Esteban on 20 Sep, 2015 12:03. Quick links: or 11 - Backtracking
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