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04 Scoring Task results

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Proposal from

Wolfgang Lintl, Delegate (Germany)

Proposal title

04 Scoring/Task results

Existing text


The provisional score sheet must be posted within 6 hours after finishing the task. The official score sheet must be posted as soon as possible thereafter. In the case of the last task, the time limit is 2 hours after the posting of the provisional score sheet.

4.34.5 The provisional score sheet must be posted within 6 hours with a miniumum delay after finishing the task. The official score sheet must be posted as soon as possible thereafter. In the case of the last task, the time limit is 2 hours after the posting of the provisional score sheet.


Only in very rare occasions in the past a Championship Director where able to post the provisional results in the time limit of 6 hours after the task. Althoug it is very important to have the results of a task after finishing quick and correct, there can be several reasons for not do it in the 6 hour limit. There is as well no reference somewhere in SEC 10 to what should happen in the case, that the time limit is not met.

Added by Wolfgang Lintl Last edited by Wolfgang Lintl on 03 Sep, 2014 11:08. Quick links: or 04 Scoring Task results
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