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2020 ABG pilot Info

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Current by Richard Meredith-Hardy
on 16 Mar, 2020 12:49.

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If you are a Paramotor pilot from one of the [45 OCA Asian nations|] then this is your opportunity to represent your nation in a prestigious international event with rather a high profile because of the relationship between the organizers and the Olympic movement.

*You cannot enter yourself!* It must be done by your [National Olympic Committee|] (NOC) in association with your [FAI member Aero Club|] Club|] (NAC).

If your nation is not in the [list of entries|cima:2020 ABG Entries], your job *right now* is to make sure your NAC gets in touch with your NOC and asks them please to register with the Games organizers (SABGOC) that your country is interested in entering a team in the Powered Paraglider event.

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