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New format competition - AirSport Challenge (ASC)

Proposal from

New Format Working Group (Chairman - Yago Osset)

New rules for ASC (AirSport Challenge)

A need to create a new competition format has been identified since in the last 10 years there's a decrease of new competitors mainly in microlights, but also in paramotors. ANR is a good point of start as we experienced this new competition has been very popular in many countries because of its simple understanding, easy competition organisation, and still very challenging for competitors, but mainly it gives the possibility watch it in real time with internet connection. After 5 years and 2 ANR world championships (2017 and 2019), some NACs have implemented annually their ANR championships increasing experience, including TV broadcasting events with national channels, promoted by both GAC or microlight commissions.

New format Working Group has developed and discussed how this new format should after gathering up all this experience.

Proposal of new rules competition text.

Proposal of optionally include both GAC and Microlight aircraft.

Proposal of initially financing from FAI and NACs AirSports Software as it is key factor for promoting this new competition. This economic help should lead the project to self sustainability state final point in 3 to 4 years. 

Proposal of sending bids for ASC CAT 1 or 2 events for 2025

Proposal details

New format Working Group has developed and discussed how this new format should after gathering up all this experience.

Proposal of new rules competition text. Rules text draft can be found here:

New competition has been named AirSport Challenge. We had 2023 to test this rules text implementing at national level. We organised national championships to get experience and made a debriefing at the end of the year to make final changes. Results are definitely high valued in terms of audience achieved and economic results. It is proven that this sport model may convert content into a good product to be consumed by aviation enthusiasts, both the on-site viewer and the television or social network viewer. Good examples have been Spain and Norway during their national ASC competitions in 2023.

Basically rules are oriented around BROADCASTING. This is the main goal, a new competition that suits the broadcasting format, giving spectator the experience of following in real time the competition with commentators and a broadcasting production to gain as much audience as possible. To comply with this goal competition should be dynamic enough to give a fun experience, short enough to not boring spectator, good communicators as commentators to catch spectator's attention during 2 hours. WG also kept the premise of adapting the rules text to technology available, not the opposite. This guarantees technology affordability and keeping low development extra expenses.

Proposal of optionally include both GAC and Microlight aircraft. Right now it is very difficult for most of the countries to categorise microlights under the same and unique specification. In the USA it is used LSA definition, and amateur construction aircraft may not be under microlight categorisation but complying at the same time with the technical definition. These are some examples of how difficult is today creating differentiation. In the WG we suggest to give the option of including GAC and CIMA aircraft to allow them participate within the new competition. For this GAC and CIMA boards should agree this possibility.

Proposal of initially financing from FAI and NACs AirSports Software as it is key factor for promoting this new competition. This economic help should lead the project to self sustainability state final point in 3 to 4 years. It is crucial at least the first 3 years or 4 that CIMA and also GAC help economically funding AirSports Software until new competition gets enough income to cover costs.

Proposal of sending bids for ASC CAT 1 or 2 events for 2025: WG sees urgent to give possibility to organise as soon as possible CAT 1 and 2 events to gain branding and audience as soon as possible.

As result of all WG work we suggest to create a permanent sub-commission to deal with ASC issues, as well as having a unique world wide website  ( has already been reserved). This sub-commission should have enough dynamism and low level decision power to guarantee sport needs. Talking about economic exploitation we need to find a world wide route map for promoting ASC. USA should be a key country to be attracted in ASC expansion strategy as gives a perfect market to be consumed. Business sport exploitation company should be found to find this self sustainability in the medium term having an agreement signed with FAI, like F1 and FIA do.

Added by Yago Osset Last edited by Yago Osset on 08 Jan, 2024 18:29. Quick links: or New format competition - AirSport Challenge (ASC)
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