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06 = Airworthiness

Proposal from

Richard Meredith-Hardy

Proposal title

Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly

Existing text

Various, including:

S10 4.17.2 Each competing aircraft must possess a valid certificate of airworthiness or permit to fly not excluding competition flying. This document must be issued or accepted by the country of origin of the aircraft, or the country entering the aircraft, or the country of the organisers.

New text

S10 4.17.2 Each competing aircraft must possess a valid certificate of airworthiness or permit to fly not excluding competition flying. This document must be issued or accepted by the country of origin of the aircraft, or the country entering the aircraft, or the country of the organisers.  documentary evidence confirming it is legal to fly in its country of origin or in the country entering it or in the country of the organisers.


This text is a problem for aircraft (especially paramotors) when they are deregulated under national rules and no Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly is required.

For the time being this is just a note that these references need review.

Added by Richard Meredith-Hardy Last edited by Richard Meredith-Hardy on 15 Oct, 2013 06:20. Quick links: or 06 = Airworthiness
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