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01 – Adding a height band to precision task Circle

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Proposal from

Michael Kania, Germany

Proposal title

01 – Adding a height band to precision task Circle

Existing text

The objective is to fly a precise 360 degree circle around a marker in a given minimum height of 700ft AGL in a range of radius of minimum 200 meters to a maximum of 750 meters.

New text

The objective is to fly a precise 360 degree circle around a marker in a given minimum height of 700ft AGL in a range of radius of minimum 200 meters to a maximum of 750 meters. The scored 360 degree circle has to be flown in any desired height, but without exceeding 200ft (61m) between lowest and highest height.

Penalties: A 20% penalty will be imposed for flying the circle outside of a range of 200ft (61m) between lowest and highest height.


It is not useful to provide a minimum height in addition to the legal regulations. It may be more challenging to fly the task within a band of 200ft height.

Added by Michael KANIA Last edited by Michael KANIA on 04 Aug, 2022 09:23. Quick links: or 01 – Adding a height band to precision task Circle
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