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on 19 Dec, 2014 13:53.

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h3. Links to generally useful documents

* [FAI Constitution|] Constitution|] FAI Statutes and By-Laws to the Statutes
* [FAI Sporting Code|] Code|] General Section & Section 10 (Microlights & Paramotors). [Section 10|] 10|] includes:
** The main S10 document, includes: Definition of a microlight or paramotor, diplomas & badges, rules for records, championships and control & measurement.
** Annex 1: Conformation requirements for microlights (appended to main document)
** Annex 2: Guide for championship organizers (appended to main document)
** Annex 3: Model local regulations for championships
** Annex 4: Task catalogue for championships
** Annex 5: Notes for Directors, International Officials and Official Observers (appended to main document)
** Annex 6: GNSS Flight recorders and other electronic devices
** Record claim form
** Championship Record claim form
* [Other FAI documents|] documents|] includes:
** About FAI
** Code of Conduct
** Organiser Agreement
** Rules on Advertising for FAI Air Sport Events
* [CIMA approval documents for Flight recorders|] include conditions of use in championships and records.
* IGC (FAI Gliding Commission) [approved flight recorders|]. Useful, and sometimes essential for microlight & paramotor record attempts.
* [IGC specification for IGC flight recorders|] recorders|] S10 An 6 is based on this and it provides much useful information about the .igc data file format.
* FIS (Federation Internationale du Ski) [specification for ski slalom poles|] poles|] (commonly used in Paramotor competitions)

h4. Local copies of some of the above documents

These local copies are intended for your convenience, but you must refer to the [CIMA documents page on the FAI web site|] for official purposes.


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