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21 - EST - Precision ParaBall

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Current by Richard Meredith-Hardy
on 11 Nov, 2010 09:57.

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h4. *3.C12 Precision ParaBall*


To deliver the balls to the target (basket or hole) or as close to the target as possible, either by carrying or hitting with feet, as fast as possible.


3-5 balls (soft or half empty) in different sizes are located to the exact and marked positions (fluo-spray) downwind from the target, which is a hole or basket with 0,5 -- 2 m. diameter.
The distance between the balls and the target should be 20 -- 50 m.
N = balls carried into the basket minus penalties depending on the ball’s position.
T = time in seconds from the start signal to the finishing the task
PQq = 700 * N / Nmax
Ps = 300 * (180 -- T + Tmin)/180
P = Pq + Ps
We have been testing ParaBall now in different competitions and it is probably one of the most interesting tasks for pilots and definately the most attractive task for the public and media.
The exact scoring formula here is not maybe sufficient and can be modified to the best balance of time and balls.
Video available\!
[Video available on YouTube|]!

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