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2010 Activity Report

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h3. Internet Presence Working Group - 2010 Activity Report /// DRAFT ///

h4. Terms of Reference

The WG was established at the 2009 plenary with [the proposal|cimaWiki:CIMA Internet Presence Working Group^CIMA_internet_presence.pdf]:
* That CIMA tasks a working group to investigate the best way of achieving a better CIMA online presence, and gives it the authority to spend up to 250€ in establishing the initial site for delegates review and use.
* If Delegates and FAI secretariat are happy with it, for it to be added to the FAI domain eg as _cima.fai.org_
h4. Activity

In line with the collaborative philosophy laid out in the [original proposal|cimaWiki:CIMA Internet Presence Working Group^CIMA_internet_presence.pdf], the following points were considered essential:

* A web application is a must. It is possible to access the information universally using a common browser from your laptop, phone, e-book...
Preliminary tests of Confluence started 24/Nov for one month (evaluation license).
* Learning how to use and administrate the system.
* Creating a fairly intuitive navigation system.
* Some spaces were created, like the main [CIMA space|CIMA] , including the who is who page.
* A list of the [past championships|cima:Championships - Past] was compiled, creating specific pages for some of them.

The conclusion reached at the end of this evaluation was that Confluence met all the essential requirements, and more, for example the built-in menu system can be easily configured by individual users to be in French or German as an alternative to the English default.

h5. The quest for a free license

After reading the Community License terms from Atlassian, it was expected that CIMA or FAI would qualify for a free license. It was agreed that FAI, as a larger organization should officially request the license.

* 17 Dec 2009 - FAI applied for a Community License, but it was rejected by Atlassian, FAI not being FAI a charitable organisation.
* 4 Jabn 2010 - The CIMA president sent a letter to Atlassian where one of the most important points was that all our work is made by volunteers and targeted to a wide audience. This time they accepted and the license was granted.

h5. Installation
* A backup strategy was implemented.
* 15 Mar 2010 - The wiki was added to the FAI domain as
* 12 April 2010 - the wiki is up and running with full 'production' status with all CIMA delegates loaded as users.
* 18 Mar 2010 - Google Analytics is configured to gather usage statistics.
* 12 April 2010 - the wiki is up and running with full 'production' status with all CIMA delegates loaded as users.

h5. Authentication system
h5. Authentication and Authorisation

The system is open, but the edition of documents must be done by known users so that documents can have a history of changes with reference to their authors. It is possible to create users one by one or to use an external user directory system like LDAP.

* 11 Apr 2010 - Individual accounts were created for all CIMA Delegates with known e-mail addresses, and the user information was sent to them.
* If other commissions wish to use the wiki system they will have to wait until FAI has a centralised directory (LDAP).
* User groups have been created and an [authorisation policy|cima:About the CIMA wiki#CIMAwikipermissionpolicy] has been established so that each user will be able to view or edit certain pages..

You can see all the CIMA spaces on the left column. They are intended for:

* Reporting from [CIMA Bureau|cimaBureau:CIMA Bureau home]
* Reporting from each subcommittee or working group
* Reporting from the monitor of each upcoming event
More recently, the following spaces have been frequently updated:

* [Championships info|cima:Championships - Past]
* [S10 proposals|cimaS10:Current proposals|cimaS10:2010 Proposals]
* [2010 Plenary|cimaPlenary2010:Plenary 2010 home]
* [2010 Plenary|cimaPlenaries:Plenary 2010]

But the main advantage of a wiki system is that it is not one writing for many. It is many writing for many, so your contribution as delegates is necessary. The following content is especially needed:
* [This Plenary|cimaPlenary2010:Documents and reports] \- Please load all your contributions (national reports, bids...)
* [Calendar|cima:Calendar] \- Please include your events.
* [Championships|cima:Championships] \- Please include any historical stuff you may have, especially in missing ones.
* [Records|cimaBureau:World record corrections] \- Please correct missing details.
* [Lost delegates|cima:Lost delegates] \- Some delegates don't have wiki logins because the email addresses registered with FAI bounce - can you help find these people?
As a summary, 16 spaces have been created, containing 123 pages.

h4. Conclusion of 2010 work

* Continue with a remit to spend up to 250€ pa of CIMA funds on WG activities.

The WG wishes to send an important message to all CIMA Delegates:

h5. Important message to all CIMA Delegates from the WG:

* The wiki will only begin to realize its full potential when all CIMA Delegates start creating and editing pages in the wiki.

The WG must establish with Secretariat a protocol for what content goes on the 'main' FAI website rather than the wiki.
The WG must establish with Secretariat a protocol for what content goes on the 'main' FAI website rather than the wiki bearing in mind that the main advantage of a wiki system is that it is not one writing for many; it is many writing for many, and your contribution as delegates is necessary.

The following content is especially needed from you:
* [This Plenary|cimaPlenaries:Plenary 2010] \- Please load all your contributions (national reports, bids...)
* [Calendar|cima:Calendar] \- Please include your events.
* [Championships|cima:Championships - Past] \- Please include any historical stuff you may have, especially in missing ones.
* [Records|cimaBureau:World record corrections] \- Please correct missing details.
* [Lost delegates|cima:Lost delegates] \- Some delegates don't have wiki logins because the email addresses registered with FAI bounce - can you help find these people?
* Guidelines on championship websites. Purpose, minimum information required, conformation to FAI style requirements Etc.
* Guidelines on championship intranets. Purpose, possibilities, recommended practice, technical as well as stylistic.
* Advice on establishing and maintaining wi-fi systems and internet connections suitable for championship sites.

As you can read in the [presentation page|cima:About the CIMA wiki] , *don't be scared to break it, you can't. Use it, magic follows.*

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