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2. Slalom scoring

Version 1 by Wojtek Domański
on 01 Oct, 2021 20:17.

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Current by Wojtek Domański
on 01 Oct, 2021 20:21.

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h3. Proposal from

A proposal from Paramotor Safety Working Group.
Paramotor Safety Working Group

h3. Proposal title

*02 - A simplified layout of scoring/penalties for slalom competition*

h3. Existing text

_FAI Sporting Code - Section 10 - ANNEX 7_

The winner of the task obtains 1 point, the second 2 points, the third 3 points, etc.
Judgements are made by the CD, or one of several official marshals.


6.9.4 If the minimum of 4 tasks has been flown during selection rounds, one worst result is removed from the sum.

_FAI Sporting Code - Section 10 - ANNEX 7_

{color:#3366ff}{-}The winner of the task obtains 1 point, the second 2 points, the third 3 points, etc.-{color}
{color:#3366ff}{-}6.8.7 DNF -- The pilot who does not fly sees attributing the maximum of points + 6.-{color}
{color:#ff0000}Each pilot in each task is granted:{color}
{color:#ff0000}Score points -\- equal either to the chronological position of the pilot's time score (task winner obtains 1 point, second pilot 2 points, etc.), or to the number of pilots who take off for the task (in case of a serious error).{color}
{color:#ff0000}Penalty points.{color}
|| {color:#ee220c}{*}Flight feature{*}{color} || {color:#ee220c}{*}Score points{*}{color} || {color:#ee220c}{*}Penalty points{*}{color} || {color:#ee220c}{*}Code{*}{color} ||
| {color:#ee220c}Not fly in task{color} | {color:#ee220c}number of pilots{color}\\ | {color:#ee220c}3{color} | {color:#ee220c}DNF{color} |
| {color:#ee220c}"Limit situation"{color} | {color:#ee220c}number of pilots{color}\\ | {color:#ee220c}5{color} | {color:#ee220c}LTD{color} |
| {color:#ee220c}Water splash{color}\\ {color:#ee220c}(except engine cut){color} | {color:#ee220c}number of pilots{color}\\ | {color:#ee220c}number of pilots x 30% rounded up (not less than \+5){color} | {color:#ee220c}SPL{color} |
{color:#ee220c}(except engine cut){color} | {color:#ee220c}number of pilots{color}\\ | {color:#ee220c}number of pilots x 30% rounded up (not less than \+5){color} | {color:#ee220c}SPL{color} |

Collapse: any deformation of the profile will be considered a collapse.
Judgements are made by the CD, or one of several official marshals
{color:#ff0000}6.9.4 For every 5 tasks flown by a competitor during selection rounds, 1 worse{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}{_}Score point{_}{*}{color} {color:#ff0000}result is deducted from the sum. E.g.:{color}
{color:#ff0000}0-4 task flown by a pilot -- 0 worse scores are deducted{color}

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