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2005 WMC

compared with
Version 11 by Rob HUGHES
on 09 Oct, 2010 12:38.

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Changes (7)

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h2. Documents\\

* [Local Regulations|2005 WMC^LR 2005 V5.doc]
* [Jury Report|2005 WMC^Jury report WMC 2005.doc]

h2. Results\\

|| No \\ || Class \\ || Scores ||
|| 1 | Single seat flexwing \\ | [WL1|2005 WMC^results wmc2005 WL1.pdf] ||
|| 2 | Dual seat flexwing \\ | [WL2|2005 WMC^results wmc2005 WL2.pdf] ||
|| 3 | Single seat fixed wing \\ | [AL1|2005 WMC^results wmc2005 AL1.pdf] \\ | ||
|| 4 | Dual seat fixed wing \\ | [AL2|2005 WMC^results wmc2005 AL2.pdf] \\ | ||
| || Team results \\ || [Team|2005 WMC^results wmc2005 team.pdf] \\ | \\ |

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