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personal space \\ || ||
| *confluence-administrators* | Super administrator powers | | | There are very few users with this permission, membership authorized by the FAI webmaster. |
| *wiki-administrators*  \\ | Admin, Read, Write, Comment \\ | | | Can administer all spacs in the wiki but are disallowed from operations that may compromise system security. Generally only one or a small group per FAI commission.  For example CIMA wiki administration is performed by the [CIMA Internet Presence working group|CIMA Internet presence] which group|cimaWiki:] which is composed of elected CIMA delegates. |
| *CIMA Bureau* \\ | Read, Write, Comment | | | The CIMA Bureau members have full access to the wiki contents, excepting the space administration rights. |
| *Each SC or WG member* \\ | Read, Comment \\ | Read, Write, Comment | | Each sub-committee or working group member has full access to the content of the corresponding space. |

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