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The purpose of the *Flight Recorder Approval Committee* space is to publish information regarding GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) flight recorders suitable for Microlight and Paramotor championships and records.

h3. Members of this committee

* *Richard MEREDITH-HARDY* (CIMA President of Honour)
* *Barney Townsend* (GBR)
* *Krzyszstof ROMICKI* (POL) chair
* *Petr JONAS* (CZE)
* *Lukas BEHONEK* (CZE)

FRAC receives approval requests from logger manufacturers, checks the devices for conformance with Annex 6 of Section 10 and issues approval certificates.

Although CIMA accepted all loggers approved by other FAI commissions, the committee is needed for as and when new technologies become available, or for approving an existing system. Therefore, the committee remains.

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