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Confluence is organized in *[spaces]*. Spaces are indicated in the menu on the left by a globe icon. Spaces are organized by FAI commission. A main commission space may have an unlimited number of sub-spaces.

Confluence is also organized to have *users* and *groups*. Users log in, and the wiki knows which groups they are a member of.
Confluence is also organized to have *[users|Users]* and *[groups|User groups]*. Users log in, and the wiki knows which groups they are a member of.

[Permissions] to view, create pages, edit, administer Etc. are organized by space and user group.

Users who are members of a group with permissions to edit pages in a space can do this very easily using an online WYSIWYG editor, or a [wiki notation|] editor, or an 'edit this page in Word' feature.

There are several kinds of page in a space; the basic page, a news (or blog) item, a comment, an attachment to a page.

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