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* Plenary meetings

CIMA is the *International Microlight and Paramotor Commission* of the [FAI|] (*{_}C{_}{*}{_}ommission_ *{_}I{_}{*}{_}nternationale_ _de_ *{_}M{_}{*}{_}icro{_}_\-_{*}{_}A{_}{*}{_}viation_).

All *World Records*, *World Championships* and *Continental Championships* are conducted under the direction of CIMA.

CIMA has a large number of [delegates||List of CIMA delegates] from around the World who meet annually at a *Plenary* meeting, usually in November. 

Most CIMA decisions are made at Plenary meetings but much work goes on throughout the rest of the year. *Sub-committees* and *working groups* are appointed by the Plenary to do specific work and a *[Bureau|bureau:CIMA Bureau]* consisting of a President, two vice Presidents and a secretary/treasurer is elected by the Plenary to represent CIMA. 

The main purpose of this wiki is to facilitate the collaborative work of the Bureau and the different sub-committees and working groups, and to make their activity and results visible to the air sports community.

For any other official information please refer to the [CIMA page at the FAI portal|] .

h3. News


h3. CIMA Sub-committees

The *Monitors* for World and continental championships and *WAG Liaison Officers* report to CIMA using these spaces:

CIMA is the *International Microlight and Paramotor Commission* of the [FAI|] (*{_}C{_}{*}{_}ommission_ *{_}I{_}{*}{_}nternationale_ _de_ *{_}M{_}{*}{_}icro{_}_\-_{*}{_}A{_}{*}{_}viation_).

All *World Records*, *World Championships* and *Continental Championships* are conducted under the direction of CIMA.

CIMA has a large number of [delegates||List of CIMA delegates] from around the World who meet annually at a *Plenary* meeting, usually in November. 

Most CIMA decisions are made at Plenary meetings but much work goes on throughout the rest of the year. *Sub-committees* and *working groups* are appointed by the Plenary to do specific work and a *[Bureau|bureau:CIMA Bureau]* consisting of a President, two vice Presidents and a secretary/treasurer is elected by the Plenary to represent CIMA. 

The main purpose of this wiki is to facilitate the collaborative work of the Bureau and the different sub-committees and working groups, and to make their activity and results visible to the air sports community.

For any other official information please refer to the [CIMA page at the FAI portal|] .

h3. News

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