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Ed 02 Championship records

Proposal from

Richard Meredith-Hardy CIMA President

Proposal title

Championship records

Existing text

S10 3.17.2 Championship records for Microlights and Paramotors can only be established during valid competition tasks by bona-fide competitors at a FAI category 1 Microlight or Paramotor championships or a FAI World Air Games.

New text

S10 3.17.2 Championship records for Microlights and Paramotors can only be established during valid competition tasks by bona-fide competitors at a FAI category 1 Microlight or Paramotor championship where a CIMA appointed international jury is present, or a FAI World Air Games.


Two Championship records were broken at the Phuket AOPC / ABG Test by a pilot who was only competing in the ABG Test.  Since that was a Cat 2 event, it would normally invalidate the claims, however, in this case an International jury was present on-site for the AOPC and did witness the record attempts. 

A few days later the 2014 Plenary considered the key point in these records is for a Jury to witness an attempt and measure the course, which it did. The Plenary therefore agreed to change the text of S10 to account for this in future.  It also made the decision retrospective so these two claims were not invalidated by the 'category 1' provision.

Added by Richard Meredith-Hardy Last edited by Richard Meredith-Hardy on 05 Dec, 2013 17:50. Quick links: or Ed 02 Championship records
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