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2011 WPC

There was no FAI World Paramotor Championships in 2011.

Normally CIMA expects bidders for FAI Category 1 Microlight or Paramotor Championships to start work on it three years in advance.

The city of Daejeon, Korea made a very impressive bid presentation to the November 2009 CIMA Plenary, and it was accepted.

There was a major setback when the lead organizer of this bid was seriously injured in a car accident in about April 2010, and then in June, local government elections caused a change of regime which appeared to be far less enthusiastic about providing the promised support, and effectively caused the bid to be abandoned.

An informal 'emergency meeting' was held at EMC 2010 Sywell in August 2010 to update CIMA Delegates and other interested parties on the latest status, and encourage them to consider asking their NAC to make a replacement bid to present to the November 2010 CIMA Plenary.

But by the November 2010 Plenary, the normal last possible deadline, there were still no bids. The Paramotor committee proposed an emergency resolution whereby interested parties could still make bids up to the later deadline of December 24th and full authority for the evaluation and authorization of the best bid could be vested in the CIMA Bureau. The CIMA Plenary accepted this proposal.

As a result of this the NAC of Romania made a bid.

While the Bureau thought the organizers could probably deliver the necessary infrastructure, they also noted there was no history in Romania of experience in FAI Microlight or Paramotor championships, even as competitors. This meant they would have to import the necessary skills to run the actual competition, at least in the form of a Competition Director, Scoring Director and Chief Marshal, and neither NAC Romania nor the CIMA Bureau could find suitably qualified candidates willing to do the job in the short time available.

As a result the CIMA Bureau were reluctantly forced to decline the bid, saying: We do greatly appreciate that Romania considered bidding, but from hard-learnt past experience we know it is better not to have a championship at all than to have one with an unacceptably high risk of discrediting you, your NAC and your Nation.

The CIMA President added:

I am absolutely certain pilots from all over the world would like to participate in a Championship in Romania some time in the future. The ‘standard’ bidding sequence for championships is laid out in Annex 2 to S10 and normally starts with a Preliminary bid three or more years in advance. I therefore encourage you to make a bid for some future year which gives you much more time to gather together an adequate team of officials to run a successful Championship.


Name Size Creator Creation Date Comment  
PDF File ANNEX 09b Paramotor 2011(97ver).pdf 3.82 MB Richard Meredith-Hardy 21 Apr, 2010 19:14 The presentation made to the 2009 CIMA Plenary which led to the bid being accepted for WPC 2011
PDF File Romanian Bid for WPC2011.pdf 214 kB José Luis Esteban 26 Nov, 2010 09:29 Romanian bid for WPC2011
Text File Datong.txt 2 kB Richard Meredith-Hardy 11 Nov, 2010 14:00 Latest news from China  

Added by José Luis Esteban Last edited by Richard Meredith-Hardy on 15 Nov, 2011 19:26. Quick links: or 2011 WPC


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