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38 = No sanction fee for under 21 year old competitors

Proposal from


Proposal title

No sanction fee for under 21 year old competitors

Existing text

Organiser Agreement Schedule 1.1 (ii)

No later than 30 days after the commencement date of the Championships the sum of EUR 29.00 per competitor or Team Leader in the Championship by way of sanction fee (“the Sanction Fee”).

New text

Organiser Agreement Schedule 1.1 (ii)

No later than 30 days after the commencement date of the Championships the sum of EUR 29.00 per competitor aged 21 or over on the day of the Opening Ceremony or Team Leader in the Championship by way of sanction fee (“the Sanction Fee”).


To encourage young pilots to compete. This is the easiest form of financial help that CIMA can offer and is a symbolic gesture to show that CIMA wants to see more young pilots competing.

Added by Rob HUGHES Last edited by Rob HUGHES on 27 Sep, 2012 08:13. Quick links: or 38 = No sanction fee for under 21 year old competitors
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