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CIMA 2015 Section 10 Amendments
No. Title Class Para Information For Ag Abs Notes
1 Sporting Licence for Colibris ALL
2 Clarification of scoring systems ALL 4.34.1
3a Complaints against another score (1) ALL 4.35.1 Either 3a or 3b
3b Complaints against another score (2) ALL 4.35.1 Either 3a or 3b
4 Time for complaints (last day results) ALL 4.35.2
5 Reason for complaints ALL A3  1.9.7
6 Publication of complaints ALL 4.35.3
7 Separate result sheet per class ALL A3  1.14.1
8 Backtracking (move from A3 to S10) ALL A3 ›› 4.24.5
9 Refund policy for entry fees ALL A3  1.5
10a Slalom scoring PARA A4  3.C5
10b Navigation scoring PARA A4  3.A1 If 10a is approved, 10b is withdrawn
11 Precision wing control PARA A4  3.C14
12 Precision wing control - ground handling PARA A4  3.C15
13 Local Regulations for paramotor slalom PARA Annex 7 (new)
14 Fast / slow scoring PARA A4  3.C9
15a Paramotor Slalom flying over water PARA TBC
15b Cancel Paramotor Slalom tasks PARA TBC If 15a is approved, 15b is withdrawn

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