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1.                   General

1.1.1.      This document and the annexed Task Catalogue comprise the rules for the World Paramotor Slalom Championship.


1.2.         Introduction

1.2.1.      The aims of the World Championship are:

To determine the winner of the competition.

To promote the discipline  “manoeuvrability”   within the Paramotor community

To share knowledge and experience and the different techniques used by the pilots from different countries .

To create a short standard easy to manage and to understand

1.2.2.      The competition is open to all pilots from any country on the condition that they hold a current FAI Sporting Licence.

1.2.3.      Each registered pilot accepts the present rules and declares to respect them and to accept any consequences that may result in his/her participation.

1.3.         Dates   and Venue : .


1.4.         Entry Fee :


1.5.         Events and  Ranking

1.5.1.      The events are slalom events .

1.5.2.      The events are open to the solo foot-launched and/or landplane (trike) Paramotor classes PF1-PL1-PF1E.


Warning: Each class  will be ranked separately on the condition that there are least 4  different countries. ( GS )


1.5.3.      F or the foot-launched class, the World Cup will include an individual mixed ranking, a team ranking and a ranking by country.

For the trike class, only the individual events will be ranked.

1.5.4.      Each team will include three pilots in each class. Each country can register 3 teams and 10 pilots.

1.5.5.      The ranking will be calculated by adding the placing achieved in each event, squared.  

1.5.6.      The individual events comprise a slalom that is scored by the time taken to complete the course and/or for parallel slaloms, by placing.

1.5.7.      Team events comprise a relay that is scored by the time taken to complete the course and/or for parallel relays, by placing.

1.5.8.      The winner of the World Cup or the winning team will be whoever achieves the smallest number of points.

1.5.9.      The winning country will be calculated by adding the points achieved by the best team of any country added to those of the top three individuals from that country .

1.5.10. Tie-break: in the case of a tie, the Competition Director will hold a tie break round of the task of his choice. At the General Briefing, the Competition Director will announce which task will serve to break any tie should there be insufficient time to hold a tie breaking round,

1.5.11. The competition will be valid if a minimum number of three tasks are completed.


1.6.         Programme

1.6.1.                  World Paramotor Slalom Championship will be held at the airfield in …………………..and will start ……………………………….. and will finish on ……………………..

1.6.2.      Each event will include a number of rounds to be decided by the Competition Director and depending on the weather conditions .


1.6.3.      Timetable:


Registration and Control of Paperwork

                                  General Briefing

Qualifying rounds (time to be determined by the Competition Director)

                     Final Rounds

                            Prize Giving



1.7.         Prize Giving

1.7.1.      Medals will be given to the top three places in each category.

1.7.2.      A trophy will be given to the best Country


2.                COMPETITION RULES


2.1.         Foot-launched and Trike Paramotors

2.1.1.      All Paramotors registered in the competition must comply with Section 10 of the FAI Sporting Code and the French regulations. Foreign pilots must also obtain the right to fly over French territory from the Organiser.

2.1.2.      The list of FAI classes is as follows:
PF1: Paraglider control / Foot-launched / Flown solo / Thermal engine – PL1:  Paraglider control / Landplane / Flown solo / Thermal engine and PF1E : Paraglider control / Foot-launched / Flown solo / Electric engine

2.1.3.      Take-off will be without any assistance other than from a team member and only after permission by the Competition Director.

2.1.4.      Depending on the type of task and the aerological conditions, equipment may be changed under the following conditions and only after receiving the approval of the Competition Director:


-     One engine change during the whole competition

-     Canopies: no restriction

2.1.1.      Each pilot is responsible for his own equipment. The Competition Director may ground equipment if, in his view, it is not in conformity or is dangerous.


2.2.         Registration

2.2.1.      Registration is possible from …………….by Internet: www.

2.2.2.      Registration may be completed on site  ( yes or no )

2.2.3.      Payment may be made by bank transfer or ( conditions )

2.2.4.      Pilots must be 16 years old on the first day of the competition.

2.2.5.      Each pilot must present original copies of flight documents issued by the authorities of their country.

2.2.6.      Each pilot must hold valid third party insurance of at least   ( example Europ 750 000 SDR. )


2.3.         Complaints

2.3.1.      Any complaint must be handed to the Competition Director or his assistant by the Team Leader, as soon as possible after the reason for the complaint is known. A Complaint form will be made available for Team Leader use.

2.3.2.      In the case the response of the Competition Director is considered unsatisfactory, a protest may be lodged with the three-person Jury together with a protest fee of 25€ within one hour after the response has been given. The 25€ will be refunded if the Protest is upheld by the Jury or if the Protest is withdrawn.


3.                Flight Safety


3.1.         Briefings

3.1.1.      Before the start of the Competition, the Competition Director will give a general briefing covering the specifics of the…………… airfield, information about slalom flying and the circuits to be used for entry to and exit from the course, as well as general information of interest to the pilots.

3.1.2.      Flights outside of the airfield are forbidden for the duration of the competition unless the Competition Director gives express permission.

3.1.3.      All the pilots must attend the briefings and not cause any disturbance.

3.1.4.      A daily briefing for Team Leaders will be held during the Competition.

3.2.         Mandatory Equipment

3.2.1.      All pilots must wear a helmet. The non-respect of this rule will cause immediate disqualification with the loss for the team of all points acquired.

3.2.2.      A reserve parachute must be carried.  The non-respect of this rule will cause immediate disqualification with the loss for the team of all points acquired.

3.2.3.      Leg, arm and back protection are highly recommended.


3.3.         Other Equipment

3.3.1.      With the exception of any equipment considered dangerous by the Competition Director, all other equipment is authorised.


3.4.         Task Preparation

3.4.1.      If the weather conditions and time permit, the Competition Director may allow time for training prior to each new task or series of tasks.

3.4.2.      Each pilot or each team will take-off, land, fly and run the course under their own responsibility and accept the risks inherent to flying slalom.

3.4.3.      Each pilot or each team accept to fly within his, her or their own physical limits and within the flight limitations of their equipment. `


3.5.         Ground discipline

3.5.1.      During the briefings, all signals used by the Marshals, permission to take-off and landing procedures will be indicated. Their non-respect will result in penalties being applied.


3.6.         Flight Limitations

3.6.1.      Any manoeuvre considered as dangerous for the general public, buildings and competition set-up, another aircraft or the pilot himself are forbidden and will result in a penalty or disqualification.

3.6.2.      It is forbidden to fly over housing.

3.6.3.      It is strictly forbidden to fly in cloud.

3.6.4.      Every pilot must take care to avoid any risk of collision.

3.6.5.      During all events, it is forbidden to fly over the Slalom course with the exception of media related flights.


4.                Competition Tasks


4.1.         General

4.1.1.      All information necessary for competitors will be posted either on a Notice Board or on the Competition Web site. It is the responsibility of each pilot to ensure that they are in possession of all relevant information and cannot pretend otherwise.

4.1.2.      Once a pilot has taken-off, they have accepted that the conditions for the Task are acceptable. Rain or unstable conditions are not a reason for complaint or protest. A task may be rerun at the discretion of the Competition Director if he considers that a competitor was unfairly penalised.


4.2.         Tasks

4.2.1.      A task catalogue for individual, team and trikes will be available to the Competition Director.

4.2.2.      Each task may be the object of several rounds (i.e. the figure eight task could be for two rounds).  Some tasks will be timed; others will be ranked after a match (i.e. the triangle task two rounds, outwards and return).  Details are available in the task catalogue. 

4.2.3.      If it is necessary, the Competition Director may adapt a task by modifying it. Any modification must have the approval of the Jury.

4.2.4.      Some tasks require specific conditions as defined in the catalogue.

4.2.5.      Tasks will be controlled either by electronic or manual timing.

4.3.         Slalom Equipment :

4.3.1.      inflatable pylons of 12, 8 or 6 metres (at the Competition Director’s discretion) and or articulated stakes, cones, timing sensors.

4.3.2.      Enter and exit gates are 4 to 7 meters wide. Timing sensors are 1m5 to 2 m hights

4.3.3.      Set up for enter and exit gates take advantage of wind direction and may take place on the line between two pylons and or on a parallel line in front of the pylons.


4.4.         Event Interruption

4.4.1.      The Competition Director may decide to interrupt an event or to start it again depending on the conditions. He may also cancel a round, several rounds or the whole of an event.


5.                   PENALTIES

5.1.         General

5.1.1.      Any infringement to flight safety, safety rules or task rules will lead to a penalty of 15 points or disqualification.

5.1.2.      Disqualification   terms:           Unauthorised flights during the competition.           Use of unauthorised equipment or equipment not in conformity.           False declaration           Repeated infringements of Competition Director instructions           Repeated disturbance during Briefing           The use of illegal substances in contradiction with the anti-doping rules.           Medical reasons (unfitness, neglect of treatment,.)           Any touch with the groung by foot and or engine during the  slalom   is not subject to penalties unless 5.1.1 is  respected

5.2.         Specific (see Task Catalogue)


6.                TEAM TASKS (3 pilots):

6.1.         Général

6.1.1.      All tasks can been done as a team:

6.1.2.      The entry and exit gates are set for each task at the discretion of the Competition Director.

6.1.3.      The three pilots take-off at the same time, the first enters the run, the two others wait for their turn to enter the circuit in a relay format. The second pilot enters the entry gate once the first pilot has passed through the exit gate. The same applies for the third pilot who enters the course once the second pilot has passed through the exit gate. If this does not happen, a penalty will be applied.

6.2.         Team Penalties :

6.2.1.      Each  early entry before the relay:  time difference X 3

6.2.2.      Any mistake in the course (miss a gate, wrong direction, miss a pylon) will cause the elimination of the team for that round: the score will be that of the lowest placed team increased by 5 points.

6.3.         Note: The team score is not the sum of the individual scores (time or placing) but the result of the overall performance of the relay by the team in the task selected by the Course Director.


7.                SCORING

7.1.         Individual qualification rounds

7.1.1.      A minimun of 3 to a maximun of 8 qualifications rounds will be runned : the ranking will be done by timing.

7.1.2.      After qualification rounds the best 16 pilots  in PF1 will proceed in pre -final process ( 8 for PF1E – 8 for PL1 )

7.1.3.      It is proceeded in a complete timing reset before pre - final rounds

7.2.         Pre - Final rounds : the 16 best pilots ( 8 for PF1E – 8 for PL1 ) run one course determined by the Course Director and are ranked by timing. The best 8 ( ( 4 for PF1E – 4 for PL1 ) enter in the final process by match racing.


7.3.         Match   / Racing : in the form of a match table either a direct match or the best of three rounds. Each pilot or team eliminated will retain their time, which will determine their ranking. The four last remaining pilots or teams will be ranked following a final match or best of three rounds.


7.4.         Timing : the performance will be timed precisely, the resulting time may, if relevant, have penalties added: i.e. the 1st place will count for one point.

7.5.         Decisions and recourse: The decisions by the Competition Director cannot be subject to complaint. In case of a problem, a pilot can, however, follow the procedure described in 2.3. of these rules. 

7.6.         Team qualification rounds

7.6.1.      In the case of more than 16 teams, the individual process apply

7.6.2.      Less than 16 teams and more than 8 teams, individual pre – final and final process apply

7.6.3.      Less than 8 teams , ranking will be done by timing with no reset of all the rounds

8.                Match racing example







3rd & 4th Place



































PILOT D              




























































In this example: B (67s) C (72s) E (no time) G (65s)

1 st : D              

2 nd H

3 rd F

4 th A

5 th G               temps65 s

6 th B               temps 67 s

7 th C               temps 72 s

8 th E               no time: eliminated



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