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2019 Documents & reports

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CIMA Plenary 201 9


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Delegate’s report



1) Introduction

Overview of activity since the last plenary meeting



2) Sport in your country

CIMA Championships:
Belgian Paramotorteam participate

Polisch Slalom championship

French Classique championship

Spanish Slalom championship

FAI CIMA records

Microlights are still not member of NAC Belgium but they probebly coming back in 2020.

Colibri activity

FAI records


3) Regulatory and legal issues

For paramotor there is a law but in reality it gives al lot of problems, it’s after 4years still not clear, end December again meeting with the government to make it better.


4) Statistics

Number of members in your association:
Belgian paramotor Federation : Members 2019;  438  



Accident statistics

- Number of incident reports last year 4

- Number of fatalities (2019): 1 Lydia Jacques was a big loss, I lost a close friend and the paramotorworld lost a great personality


5) Any other comments

By 01.01.2020 we exist 25years with the Belgian paramotor federation. We want to make it a celebration year with a lot of activities



Toon Hylebos

Delegate for Belgium

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