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The rules for championships, records and awards in microlights and paramotors are establised in the [Section 10 of the FAI Sporting Code|].

The _Section 10 sub-committee_ performs the following functions:

* Receives ammendment proposals from delegates and compiles them in a comprehensive way.
* Checks the proposals for consistency with the rest of FAI rules.
* Presents all proposals by delegates to the CIMA Plenary.
* Compiles the latest Plenary agreed version of FAI Section 10 for publication.
* Maintains other S10 related documents such as Record Claim forms.

h3. sub-committee members:

* *Robert Hughes* (GBR), Editor
* *Richard Meredith-Hardy* (GBR)
* *Tomas Backman* (SWE)
* *José Luis Esteban* (ESP)
* *Jacek Kibinski* (POL)

h3. Current proposals

{tip:title=Send your proposals now!}
All CIMA delegates may send their ammendment proposals to the Editor *at any time*. All proposals received before the 20th of October 2010 it were included in the agenda for the 2010 plenary meeting.

{link-page:name=Write a title for your proposal\|template=Proposal Submission\|allowRename=true\|parent=Proposals for 2011}
{iflogged:true=Send a proposal now for the 2011 meeting|false=Log in to send a proposal}

* [Current proposals|Current Proposals]

h3. Past proposals

Proposals sent to previous plenary meetings:
* [2009|]
* [2008|]
* [2007|]
* [2006|]
* [2005|]

{tasklist:To Do}
|F|H|F|1259352411458| |r igarashi|Compile 2010 S10 for publication|
|T|H|F|1259352455397|1288726798498|rmh|Revise record claim forms re. the new naming protocol|

h3. News

h3. Documents