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h3. Proposal from

José Luis Esteban, Spanish delegate.

h3. Proposal title

Refining the slalom scoring

h3. Existing text

*Annex 4*

*3.C5, 3.C6, 3.C7, 3,C9, 3.C10*


Tpen = Tpil + m * Vpen
Q = Ln (3 * Tbest / (Tpen - Tbest + 1)


Tpil = the measured pilots time (seconds)
m = the number of missed targets
Vpen = the time penalty for each missed target (seconds)
Tpen = the pilots time (after penalties for missed targets)
Tbest = the best time (after penalties for missed targets)
Q = the task value before normalization

Note: Spreadsheet formulas:
tpen: = t_pil + m * v_pen
Q: = LOG(3 * t_best / (t_pen -- t_best -- 1))

h3. New text

*Annex 3*

*3.C5, 3.C6, 3.C7, 3,C9, 3.C10*


Tpen = Tpil + m * Vpen
Q = Ln(3 * Tbest / (Tpen - Tbest + -1- {color:#ff0000}3{color})


Tpil = the measured pilots time (seconds)
m = the number of missed targets
Vpen = the time penalty for each missed target (seconds)
Tpen = the pilots time (after penalties for missed targets)
Tbest = the best time (after penalties for missed targets)
Q = the task value before normalization

Note: Spreadsheet formulas:
tpen: = t_pil + m * v_pen
Q = LOG(3 * t_best / (t_pen -- t_best -\- 1- {color:#ff0000}+ 3{color}))
{color:#ff0000}Q = LOG(3) + LOG(t_best) - LOG(t_pen - t_best + 3){color}

{color:#ff0000}Note: a value of{color} {color:#ff0000}{*}Vpen = 5 s{*}{color} {color:#ff0000}is recommended.{color}

h3. Reason

This scoring formula was introduced in 2009 but, unfortunately, there has been no opportunity to use it in any international championship.

During the last Nationals in Spain the formula was applied and a long discussion followed. The conclusions were:
* Replace \+1 by \+3 in the formula
* The recommended penalty for missing a target (Vpen) is 5 seconds

A typographical error in the spreadsheet formula is also corrected.