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h3. Proposal from

Michael Kania, Germany

h3. Proposal title

03 -- Changes in the list of penalties - Precision Task Circle

h3. Existing text

S10 Annex 4, A2. 2A7 CIRCLE


The maximum score is given if the circle is flown exact circular, within the given limits.

P= (Rmin/Rmax -- 0,5) * 500

Pmax = 250

The task will be scored with 0 points if*\* Ratio of Rmin to Rmax is 0,5 or smaller*\* The CM is located outside of the flown circle

EP and CM are not flown over within the briefed limits

The aircraft leaves the limits of the radius

The aircraft leaves the given altitude limits

h3. New text


The maximum score is given if the circle is flown exact circular, within the given limits.

P= (Rmin/Rmax -- 0,5) * 500

Pmax = 250

-The task will be scored with 0 points if*\* Ratio of Rmin to Rmax is 0,5 or smaller*\* The CM is located outside of the flown circle-

-EP and CM are not flown over within the briefed limits-

-The aircraft leaves the limits of the radius-

-The aircraft leaves the given altitude limits-


{color:#ff0000}A 20% penalty will be imposed for flying the circle outside of a range of 200ft (61m) between lowest and highest height.{color}

{color:#ff0000}A 100% penalty will be imposed if{color}
* {color:#ff0000}the circle is flown clockwise{color}
* {color:#ff0000}The CM is located outside of the flown circle{color}
* {color:#ff0000}EP and CM are not flown over within the briefed limits{color}
* {color:#ff0000}The aircraft leaves the limits of the radius{color}
* {color:#ff0000}Ratio of Rmin to Rmax is 0,5 or smaller{color}

h3. Reason

The 20% penalty is new, derived from proposal 01, see there.

The 100% penalty if the circle is flown clockwise is new. This did happen one time at WMC2022 and has to be penalized.

The penalty list is for a better overview of the penalties which could take place in the task. The subsection penalties should be inserted.