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h1. 11th FAI World Paramotor Championships


{note:title=Event postponed}
Published 11 March 2020
Due to the CODIV-19 epidemic our board of directors assembled today to analyses the situation. Three months before the 11th Paramotor World Championships taking place in Linhares, Brazil, we made a decision long ahead in time in order to prevent financial losses to the competitors and organizers.
We understand the virus expansion cycle takes three months to reach its apex. It just started to spread around in our country, and it is unpredictable how it will behave from now on. Also, it seems that most of the countries are taking actions to prevent against the contamination and limiting traveling. Great are the chances that it will impact registrations.
Our organizing committee firms believe that it is our responsibility and for the best of all paramotor international community and the health of all Brazilians that the 11th Paramotor World Championships should be postponed. We kindly request that CIMA understands our reasons and will approve the decision to postpone the event to June 16th to 26th, 2021.

Linhares, Brazil, -24 June to 4 July 2020- 16 to 26 June 2021

Classes in competition:
Paramotors: *PF1, PF1f, PL1, PL2*

Official website and results: [|]

Group mailing list TBA

h2. Championship Officers

| Event director | Lula Laghi and Ricardo Maciel  (BR) \\ |
| Competition Director | Rogerio Martinati (BR) |
| Deputy Competition Director | Ricardo Pattena (BR) |
| Chief Marshal | Valmir (BR) |
| Chief scorer | Zenilson Rocha (BR) |
| Monitor | Barney Townsend (GBR) |
| International Jury | Han Zhaofang (CHN), Richard Meredith-Hardy (GBR), Noel Mazaudier (FRA) |
| Stewards | Ellen Hylebos (BEL) |


h3. Documents
