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h4. I have forgotten my password

Go to the login page and you can request a new password be sent to your registered email address.

If your registered email address no longer works, contact [|] who will reset the email address, you can then request a new password be sent to it.

h4. I can't edit a page

Nobody can edit pages if they are not logged in.

If you are logged in, this is probably because you are not assigned to a [group|User groups] which has edit [permissions|Permissions] in the [space|Spaces]. 

If you believe you should be granted a login or you should be a member of a particular group, then contact the administrator of your commission's space or [|]

h4. I don't know how to edit a page.
Assuming you do have permission to edit a page, see the [wiki documentation space|faiWikiDocumentation:] and the [wiki notation|] guide.

h4. Who is the administrator of my commission's space?

This should be stated on the commission's home page.

h4. Fixing an unrenderable page

Sometimes page content can cause rendering to fail (e.g. a macro throws an exception), and you will not be able to access the edit link to actually edit the page and fix the content. You can use this process to get to the edit page link:
1 On some other page, determine the *pageID* of the problem page using the page-info macro.
For example {code}{page-info:pageID|page=FAQ}{code}displays *{page-info:pageID|page=FAQ}* which is the pageID for this FAQ page.
2 In your browser, manually enter the explicit edit url for the page, so the URL to edit this FAQ will be: [{page-info:pageID|page=FAQ}|{page-info:pageID|page=FAQ}]
3 From here you should be able to edit the page and fix the cause of the rendering error (often removing a particular usage of a macro)

h4. Change my home page
From your personal menu at the top right, *Profile* --> *settings* tab. *Edit* to change your site homepage, language and timezone.

h4. How do I know the link to a page?
Go to the page and from the *Tools* menu select *info*. Here you will find lots of information about the page, including two different links:
* *Tiny Link*: (useful for email) the one to this page is *[|]*
* *Wiki Markup link*: to paste into a page you are editing in the wiki markup editor. The one for this page is *\[faiWikiDocumentation:FAQ\]*