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h3. Proposal from

Wolfgang Lintl, Germany

h3. Proposal title

No obligation of publication for complaints and answers

h3. Existing text

Sec. 10, 4.35.3 Complaints shall be made and dealt with without delay. A complaint that could affect a task result, must be
dealt with and answered in writing before any official score sheet is issued. The complaint and its response
must be published on the official notice board.

h3. New text

4.35.3 Complaints shall be made and dealt with without delay. A complaint that could affect a task result, must be
dealt with and answered in writing before any official score sheet is issued. -The complaint and its response-
-must be published on the official notice board.-

h3. Reason

With an average of 20 - 30 complaints during a championship, there is never enough space at the official notice board. If complaints are only related to teams or the complainant, it is sufficient to answer the team leader.
If accepted, Sec. 10, Annex 3 must be changed accordingly.