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Many competition organizers seem to forget that a competition is NOT a competition until it has been scored, and this is usually not a trivial business.

It is worth noting that even experienced scorers are sometimes given horrific tasks to score by 'imaginative' competition directors; it is ALWAYS worthwhile making sure every task proposed for a competition is reasonably easy to score BEFORE the event - there is nothing worse for the scorer and competitors than having to work on a task for hours when only a small difference in design could have led to results in minutes.

There are no fully integrated Microlight or Paramotor competition scoring systems (are there?), but there are a few which have been used more than once.

|*MS Excel* by Richard Meredith-Hardy
Works best in Excel 2003 but is compatible with later versions, albeit less easy to use.
Excel spreadsheet with many helper functions, auto-calculation of cats-cradle task, produces proper individual & team totals, one-click auto-formatted printouts with automatic deadlines and PDF output, Excel 'values only' copies, auto emails and many more 'features'.
Used in WAG 1997, WPC 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2009, EMC 2010, AOPC 2013, ABG 2014 and many other smaller events.
Always being tweaked - flexible but far from foolproof; 'expert VBA programmer' level of knowledge required, unashamedly complicated to configure...
Contact [RMH|] for latest version and more info. |
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