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*All CIMA Delegates* \- please load all documents you want associated with the 2011 Plenary as attachments to this page, or add a link if it is elsewhere.

This includes items such as delegate, subcommittee and working group reports.

_Attachments are easily loaded when you are logged in, - go to_ the bottom of this page or *Edit \-\- new \-\- Attachment* _or_ *Tools \-\- Attachments*

* [Invitation|]
* [Agenda|]

h3. Documents elsewhere

* [2010 Plenary minutes|] and [all associated documents|]
* [CIMA Bureau business 2011|cimaBureau:2011 Business]
* [Sporting Code Section 10 proposals 2011|cimaS10:2011 Proposals] or [all proposals in one pdf file|cimaS10:2011 Proposals^S10_2011_proposals_all.pdf]
* [CIMA annual report|cimaBureau:FAI General Conference Belgrade October 2011^FAI-CIMA Annual Report 2011.pdf] to the [FAI General Conference 2011|cimaBureau:FAI General Conference Belgrade October 2011]
* [2012 CIMA budget|cimaBureau:Budget 2012^CIMA 2012 ANNEX I Budget Sub vlast 2.xlsx], as amended by EB
* [WMC 2011 documents|cimaWMC2011:WMC 2011 home] and [|].
* [WPC 2011 documents|cimaWPC2011:General info]
* [World Microlight Cup 2011, Spain|cima:2011 WMCup Villamartín]
* WAG [Microlights|cimaWAGmicrolights:Home] and [Paramotors|cimaWAGparamotors:Home]
* WMC 2012 Marugán, Spain: Proposed [Local Regulations|^WMC2012 Local Regulations DRAFT 1.pdf] and [Task Catalogue|^WMC2012 Task Catalogue DRAFT 1.pdf]
* WPC 2012 Marugán, Spain (bidding): Proposed [Local Regulations|^WPC2012 Local Regulations DRAFT 1.pdf] and [Task Catalogue|^WPC2012 Task Catalogue DRAFT 1.pdf]

h3. Documents attached to this page