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FAI data API

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FAI data API

An API is an Application Programming Interface. All sorts of people need FAI data and it should be delivered in a consistent form. FAI needs an API!

This is a very simple example of the sort of data FAI should make available for people to use in their applications.

Select items below to include that data in the resulting RESTful XML data output, then press get XML.

In a web browser this data is presented in a tree-like structure, that is what XML is. You can use the little - and + icons on the left side to collapse and expand different elements in the tree.

To return to this page, simply press the back button.

General stuff
List of FAI members (not guaranteed to be correct)
List of CIMA classes
List of CIMA delegates

Microlight & Paramotor records
WL1T - Weight-shift Control / Landplane / Flown solo / Thermal engine
WL2T - Weight-shift Control / Landplane / Flown with two persons / Thermal engine
AL1T - Movable Aerodynamic Control / Landplane / Flown solo / Thermal engine
AL2T - Movable Aerodynamic Control / Landplane / Flown with two persons / Thermal engine
PF1Tm - Paraglider Control / Foot-launched / Flown solo / Thermal engine / male
PF2T - Paraglider Control / Foot-launched / Flown with two persons / Thermal engine

More from this API

When you are looking at the XML, look at the URL - it contains the requested parameters.

The key to this API is what is in the URL after the ?

The examples above are just a small subset of what is available from an API like this, for example records for all microlight and paramotor classes are available, eg ?data=cima.records.PL1E will get you class PL1E. (inspect the list of classes and use the <class_name> field.)

This API is also set up to get other subsets, for example ?data=cima.records.P will get you all records in the paramotor classes or ?data=cima.records.1E will get you all records in electric classes flown solo.

You can do the same with the class list, as in ?data=cima.classes.P and ?data=cima.classes.1E

With the keyword "all" you can get the lot, as in: ?data=cima.classes.all and ?data=cima.records.all In this latter case it is quite a big data set which might take a bit of processing, hence the options above are probably more useful most of the time.

You can get two or more datasets simultaneously by concantenating them with ampersands: & as in: ?data=cima.records.WL1&data=cima.records.PL1E


This API supports subsets of FAI members by continent, so ?data=members.europe will get European FAI members.

Note that in all cases the URL must be properly encoded, so the url for South America, which has a space in it, should be:

CIMA Delegates

As with FAI members, This API supports subsets by region for delegates, so
?data=cima.delegates.europe will get European CIMA Delegates


The purpose of the above is a simple demo to show the possibilities of the sort of data FAI should be making available and a simple API to get it.

This kind of data is primarily there for people to automatically download and re-process in useful and interesting ways but XSLT transformations could also be used directly to make it look pretty in a browser.

Several things will be noticed:

  • No secure data is exposed, eg email addresses. For this sort of thing a level of permissions is required (an experiment with oAuth to secure this API is coming soon).
  • There can however be a lot more info, eg NAC names Etc which is not contained in this demo database.
  • The primary objective of an API like this is data supply. It is not necessary for it to be able to deliver every possible query, for example the name of the NAC under which a World record was ratified, but it is necessary for it to deliver sufficient data that this could be determined from further processing. In this case the <fai_nation/> field would be used to join the two data sets.
  • Since an API like this is designed to be called often, it is a good idea to have subsets which are capable of delivering reasonably small amounts of data. No point in delivering all 500+ microlight records if only the ones for a single class are needed.
  • All data is encapsulated in a single <fai></fai> structure. While the whole purpose of this sort of thing is that it should be extensible, it would be very wise for FAI to create a basic structure which deals with the core data elements. The range of applications are vast, way more than this little demo and include sporting licences, competition entry lists, tracks, tasks, results... If all FAI associated data had a documented basic core structure then we are well on the way to having something really useful.
  • Standard format allows data to go in different directions with some confidence that it will be understood by the recipient - for example it becomes easy to load competition results in a common format to the FAI website Etc.
  • While it is recommended the <fai/> structure should be used to encapsulate everything possible, it should also be realized that there are some other formats commonly used for some things, eg iCalendar for calendars, RSS for news and .igc for track files.
  • When structured data like this is available, people will start using it in ways FAI never imagined. Since the data we're talking about is all in the public domain already - it can only be a good thing for FAI.


There are many opportunities for structured FAI data, but there is no structure.
It is strongly recommended a FAI wide Working Group is set up to establish this FAI structure.

Further reading

web services
more mashups
even more mashups

Added by Richard Meredith-Hardy Last edited by Richard Meredith-Hardy on 03 Jan, 2011 17:05. Quick links: or FAI data API
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