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21 - EST - Precision ParaBall

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Proposal from

Paap Kolar, Estonian delegate.

Proposal title

Precision ParaBall

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Annex 4


3.C12 Precision ParaBall


To deliver the balls to the target (basket or hole) or as close to the target as possible, either by carrying or hitting with feet, as fast as possible.


3-5 balls (soft or half empty) in different sizes are located to the exact and marked positions (fluo-spray) downwind from the target, which is a hole or basket with 0,5 – 2 m. diameter.
The distance between the balls and the target should be 20 – 50 m.
The most suitable target is the hybrid of a hole and a basket. The hole should not be level with the ground but edges should be 20 – 50 cm higher. Construction should be light for safety reasons but strong enough to hold the force of flying ball and to keep balls inside.

Pilot is approaching to the balls near the ground, takes the ball with feet and carries to the basket. Same with other balls, until all the balls are in the basket or time is up.
Alternatively the pilot can kick the balls closer to the basket or into the basket.
Timing will start with passing first ball on first approach (or with the touch of the first ball).
Timing will end with the last ball entering the basket.

Time from touching the first ball (or passing) to the last ball in the basket will be measured for scoring
when time limit is over, all balls in the basket will be counted and the distances of remaining balls from the basket will be measured.

Special rules

There will be time limit assigned to this task, depending on the amount of balls, distances, ball’s properties, basket size and weather conditions. For example with 3 balls a suitable time limit is 3 or 4 minutes.

There are no limitations to the number, angle, speed or height of approaches to the balls and the technique for hitting or carrying the balls, except the time limit.
Ball should stay in the basket. Bouncing out from the basket will give the result according to the distance from the basket.
Contact with the ground and moving on the ground is allowed to the pilot but the wing cannot touch the ground before time is up.
If the wing will touch the ground before the end of the time limit = score 0 for time.
After interruption of the task by the pilot, all equipment must be removed from the task area immediately.

Ending of the time limit will be signalled by marshal with appropriate (red) flag and whistle and results will be measured from this state.
In case time limit will be over while pilot already carries a ball, the pilot has right to deliver the ball to the target (in reasonable time)

Landing into the landing deck must be performed immediately after the task is performed.
Details and changes will be briefed.


Balls delivered into the basket will score maximum points
Balls inside the radius of 5 m from the edge of the basket: 50 %
Balls moved from it’s original location but outside of the 5 m radius: 20 %
Balls not moved from their original position will give no points

N = balls carried into the basket minus penalties depending on the ball’s position.
T = time in seconds from the start signal to the finishing the task
PQ = 700 * N / Nmax
Ps = 300 * (180 – T + Tmin)/180
P = Pq + Ps

Formula = x*330


We have been testing ParaBall now in different competitions and it is probably one of the most interesting tasks for pilots and definately the most attractive task for the public and media.
The exact scoring formula here is not maybe sufficient and can be modified to the best balance of time and balls.
Video available!

Added by José Luis Esteban Last edited by José Luis Esteban on 20 Oct, 2010 16:12. Quick links: or 21 - EST - Precision ParaBall
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