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Proposal from

Krisztián DOLHAI, Hungary

Proposal title

03 - Clarification of the exception on backtracking

Existing text

Section 10 4.24.5

During a navigation along a leg, competitors must not backtrack along the track line against the direction of the task under any circumstances. Backtracking is defined as flying with an angle of greater than 90 degrees in respect to the intended flight direction within a corridor defined by the width used to score gates in the task.

The only exception to this is within the radius of a specified turn point at which the track line itself turns through more than 90 degrees.

New text

Section 10 4.24.5

During a navigation along a leg, competitors must not backtrack along the track line against the direction of the task under any circumstances. Backtracking is defined as flying with an angle of greater than 90 degrees in respect to the intended flight direction within a corridor defined by the width used to score gates in the task.

The only exception to this is within the 1000m radius of a specified turn point at which the track line itself turns through more than 90 degrees.


The size of the radius is not defined, where the backtrack penalty should not be applied. A bad design of the task at the last EMC caused 8 backtrack events in the same area. Some competitor argued their protest with the missing size of the radius. 1000 meter is enough even if a procedural turn is allowed.

Added by Barney Townsend Last edited by Barney Townsend on 07 Oct, 2019 11:56. Quick links: or EDIT THIS AS THE TITLE OF YOUR PROPOSAL
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