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33 - Nations Scoring for paramotor classes

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Proposal from


Proposal title

Additional Nations Scoring for paramotor classes.

Existing text

4.34.11 The team score shall be computed from the sum of the scores of the top three pilots of each country in each class in each task grouped together in:

- Classes AL1, AL2, WL1, WL2, GL1 and GL2

- Each valid Paramotor class which has a minimum of 8 pilots.

4.34.11 The team score shall be computed from the sum of the scores of the top three pilots of each country in
each class in each task grouped together in:
- Classes AL1, AL2, WL1, WL2, GL1 and GL2
- Each valid Paramotor class which has a minimum of 8 pilots.

New text

4.34.11 The team score shall be computed from the sum of the scores of the top three pilots of each country in each class in each task grouped together in:

- Classes AL1, AL2, WL1, WL2, GL1 and GL2

- Each valid Paramotor class which has a minimum of 8 pilots.

- A combined Nation Score for paramotor classes shall be computed from the sum of the scores of:

- top 3 pilots in PF1 class,

- top 3 pilots in PL1 class,

- 1 top crew in PF2 class,

- 1 top crew in PL2 class,

  of each country in each task grouped together.


Combined Nations Scoring is a good motivation for NAC's to make an effort to complete their national team in all existing classes. Proposed amendment does not exclude any country from the Nations Scoring. Countries not represented in certain classes will just miss some points possible to win in the class, but still will take part in the Nations Scoring.

Added by Wojtek Domański Last edited by Wojtek Domański on 07 Oct, 2013 21:56. Quick links: or 33 - Nations Scoring for paramotor classes
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