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Proposal from

Antonio Marchesi, Spain Alternate Delegate

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Precisely fly the course defined by several straight and/or arc legs with a given width (forming a corridor) at a given ground speed and over a minimun height from the ground (500 feet o minimun state limits, wichever is higher).


Competitors will prepare the fight plan in quarantine. Time to start flight planning and take off time will be published in advance. The typical flight planning time is 30 minutes. The typical time avaliable to reach the aircraft and take is 15 minutes. This could be adapted depending on the course length and the airport´s size.

Entering the quarantine pilots will receive:

  • A map with the following information:
    • Course to follow formed by straight and/or arc lines drawn on a map with a given width, forming an “corridor”.
    • The course to reach the SP and return from the FP to the airport.
    • Location of the start point (SP) and the finish point (FP).
  • A time chart with the following information:
    • End of quarantine time.
    • Take off time.
    • SP time.
    • FP time.
  • SP and FP pictures with the time gate cleary defined.

SP and FP times will be calculated at the aircraft declared ground speed in the registration form.

Time gates width at the SP and FP will be 0.6 NM (0.3 right and left from the SP/ FP).


The competitor will start with 2.000 points and the scoring will result by aplying the following penalties:

Spatial precision: (Pnav)

  • Each time the aircraft leave the “corridor”:
    • 0 – 5 seconds out of the “corridor”: no penalty
    • Additional time out of the “corridor”: 3 points per full second.

Time precisión at SP and FP: (Ptime)

  • Plus or minus 1 second error: no penalty.
  • Additional error: 3 points per full second with a máximum of 200 points.
  • Not crossing SP or FP gate (each), 200 points.

Failure to leave flight planning room in time: 100 points. (Pfpr)

Failure to take off at the given time (Pto)

  • Plus 60 seconds: no penalty
  • Take off before given time or later than 60 seconds: 100 points.

Not following course to reach the SP and return from the FP to the airport (Prr) 200 points each.

Backtracking o circling Pbc (turn of more than 90 degrees from the course leaving the corridor or reentering the corridor before the exit). 200 points each.

Q = 2000 – Pnav – Ptime – Pfpr – Pto – Prr - Pbc

P = 1000 * Q / Qmax

Software already used and tested by the GAC sould be used to score Spatial and time precision, loading the track from the GNSS recorders used for the championship.

Aditionally, if GSM/GPS data transmitter approved by the GAC approved is used, the system will provide real time scoring and tracks plotted in a screen avaliable to follow the task from the airport or to broadcast.

Other Penalties

The following penalties will apply:

Breach of Quarantine: 100%

Any kind of track than shows intention to not follow the task instructions (fly part of the course twice, proceed directly to FP, etc.): 100%.


AIR NAV RACE (ANR) is a simple but challenging navigation competition depeloped by GAC members (with several successful international competitions) that in Spain is working very well to compete together GA and ULM aircrafts (in this competitions the navigation tasks are combined with precision landings). Scoring is automatic and tracks (normally with the course plotted but without the map) and real time scoring can be shown in a screen for public in the airfield or broadcasted using GPS / GSM transmitters. To give the opportunity to organizer for using this system to promote our competitions (as it is easily broadcasted) must be included in the task catalogue.

The task could seem too simple but if the course is complex enough with short legs and enough turns it makes the difference and it is very fun to fly even to high level competitors.

We can invent the wheel again and again and again but this wheel is already developed and works fine. Please consider to include it in the task catalogue and let competitors and organizers to know it.

Added by Antonio MARCHESI Last edited by Antonio MARCHESI on 20 Oct, 2021 18:25. Quick links: or 03 - NEW NAVIGATION TASK. AIR NAV RACE
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