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# Ask your NAC's CIMA Delegate to place your event in a [CIMA Wiki web calendar|] (45 days before competition).
# [Transfer sanction fee via Paypal to FAI|] FAI|] (45 days before competition) The fee is fixed at EUR 50.
# If you ar not able to transfer via Paypal, transfer to: FAI CIMA, IBAN: CH090483 5045 7968 3200 8, SWIFT/BIC: CRES CHZZ80A, Bank Credit Suisse Private Banking, Rue du Lion d'Or 5-7, CH 1002 Lausanne.  Very important: Please ensure, that ALL bank fees are for the originator.

h3. What pilots need to do to participate in WLC.
A dedicated 'WLC elective team' selection item will be installed on the paypal page soon.
In the meantime:

Go to the web page: [] [] and enter the following data:
* Title of event: *nnn* \- Elective Team
* Event date: WLC 2012
h3. Why WLC is good for organizers.

Events get into the [WLC calendar|cima:Calendar] and qualify as a FAI Category 2 event in the [FAI Calendar|]. Calendar|]. The WLC system encourages pilots to travel to those events (and pay entry fees).

h3. Why WLC is good for pilots.

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