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CIMA World League Cup

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WLC is administered by the [CIMA World League Cup Working Group|World League Cup WG].

* The WLC 'season' is from 1 October to 30 September.
* [Frequently asked Questions about the WLC|WLC - FAQ]
* [The formal rules|WLC Rules]

h5. 2012 Events
These can be found in the [calendar|cima:Calendar].
Sanction fees are paid on the [FAI Portal|] currently it is a EUR 50 fixed fee.

h5. 2012 Results
These are [here on the CIMA wiki|WLC Results].

h5. History
Originally conceived as a Continental League Cup by the 2010 CIMA Plenary [in a Proposal by Poland|cimaS10:16 - POL - Continental Paramotor League Cup] it was partially successful in the 2010-11 season but suffered from no means of simple sanction fee payment. A [comprehensive review|World League Cup WG^ELC 2011-analysis(incl.Baltic).pdf] was presented to the 2011 Plenary which decided to continue the project, and expand it to a World level which would have the effect of allowing pilots from continents with only one or two events to participate in events in other continents on an equal basis.

h4. WLC Working group
*Wojtek DOMANSKI* (POL) Chairman
*Paap KOLAR* (EST)
*Ricardo MACIEL* (BRA)

h4. WLC Results
{sorted-children:cimaContinentalCup:WLC Results}


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