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h1. MLR SP24XC flight recorders

[MLR user instructions|MLR SP24XC^MLR SP24XC instructions.pdf][ Flight recorder instructions.pdf]
{warning:title=MLR is obsolete}
Following a decision of the CIMA Plenary 2015, the MLR is considered obsolete and is no longer approved for use in CIMA Sanctioned championships.

CIMA approval document and user instructions for the MLR are contained in the [CIMA section of the main FAI website|] [Download the software|MLR SP24XC^] .
[MLR user instructions|MLR SP24XC^MLR SP24XC instructions.pdf]

CIMA approval document and user instructions for the MLR are contained in the [CIMA section of the main FAI website|].

h2. MLR downloader software

* *VERY IMPORTANT Do NOT disconnect the MLR until the process has finished or the logger could be rendered useless for ever\!*
* When finished, go to the MLR's settings menu and *open the serial port* so you can load the normal 2 sec or 5 sec logger firmware as above.


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