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2021 ABG Sanya

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The Asian beach games is quite different to FAI organised events. The sanctioning body is the Olympic Council of Asia - OCA which is a group of National Olympic Associations in the Asian Region.
This is a very big event, for example the [2014 Phuket ABG|cima:2014 ABG - Phuket] involved something in excess of 5000 people including c. 2697 athletes competing for 169 medals.

The ABG setup is a triangular arrangement identical to other games organised under the Olympic flag:
*Sanctioning body*: OCA - Invites all member National Olympic Associations to send Athletes.
*Local organizing committee*: Sanya City
*Local organizing committee*: SABGOC; Sanya Asian Beach Games Organizing Committee - The city which provides the infrastructure for the games.
*International Sports Federations*: Actually run the competitions; in the case of Paramotors this is FAI (CIMA).

CIMA has done this twice before, at the [2012 3rd Asian Beach Games at Haiyang, China|[otherCIMAevents:2012 3rd Asian Beach Games] and the [4th Asian Beach Games 2014, Phuket, Thailand|[cima:2014 ABG - Phuket]

The way CIMA is involved is quite different to normal FAI competitions, both the above links contain a wealth of information on how it is done.

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