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2019 EMC Ignalina

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h1. 15th FAI European Microlight Championships

Ignalina (EYIG) Airfield, Lithuania, 7 -- 17 August 2019

Classes in competition:
Microlights: *WL1, WL2, AL1, AL2, GL2*

Official website and results: [|]

Group mailing list TBA

h2. Championship Officers

| Event director | Vytautas Rafanavičius |
| Competition Director | Povilas Kalinauskas |
| Deputy Competition Director | Liubov Fikert |
| Chief Marshal | tba |
| Chief Marshal scorer | tba |
| Chief scorer | tba |
| Monitor | Kristian DOLHAI (HUN) |
| International Jury | Wolfgang LINTL (GER)\\
Kristian DOLHAI (HUN) |
| Monitor Stewards | tba |
| International Jury | tba |
| Stewards | tba |

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