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Equipment list

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When planning a competition, CIMA has plenty of advice:
* [Sporting Code Annex 5|]
* A [checklist of items to think about|cima:Useful documents^Checklist of items for CIMA championships.pdf] \[1\]
* The 1986 [Ann Welch Pink Book|cima:Useful documents^Ann_Welch_pink_book.pdf]

h5. This section is intended to be an aid to Microlight and Paramotor competition organizers when they need to source equipment to use in their event.

While there is nothing to prevent event organizers trying new things, only items *KNOWN TO WORK* should be included here and they must have references to the event(s) they were used in so many people will have experience of the equipment in action.

Please include at least the following information:
(!) When entering new items, please include at least the following information:
* Manufacturer.
* Model.
h5. Categories

h5. Categories

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