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Personal spaces

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on 09 Apr, 2010 16:28.

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h4. What you can use your personal space for
Personal spaces are designed to be for FAI related interest and business. 

By all means tell the World what aircraft you fly, what kind of equipment you use, what you have been doing lately, your achievements Etc.

Use it to publish documents and proposals related to FAI or commission issues when you don't have permission to load them into a subject-related space.

h4. What you can NOT use your personal space for
You *must not* use your personal space for commercial or non FAI related purposes.

You *must not* use your personal space for commercial purposes or load non FAI related stuff into your personal space, for example content relating to the philatelic club you are also a member of.  
Such content will be deleted without warning by a FAI wiki administrator.

Such content will be deleted without warning by a FAI wiki administrator.
FAI wiki users are requested to report suspected abuse of personal spaces to []

FAI wiki users are requested to report suspected abuse of personal spaces to \[\]
Repeated abuse could lead to you losing the privilege of having a personal space at all.

h4. Lifetime of a personal spaces.

Your personal space will exist so long as you have a login to the FAI wiki.  If you step down from being a delegate for your commission and you have no other FAI position (eg as a co-opted member of a committee, secretary of a commission Etc) then your wiki login will be deleted and your personal space will no longer exist.
A personal space will exist so long as the user a login to the FAI wiki. If you step down from being a delegate to a commission and you have no other FAI position (eg as a co-opted member of a committee, president or secretary of a commission Etc) then your wiki login will be deleted and your personal space will be deleted with it.

Users will be advised of an impending deletion so they have a chance to save the information first.

h4. Setting up a personal space\\

* Go to your personal menu at the top right of the page and select *Create Personal space.*
* In *Who can use this space?* The default settings are recommended.  In any case do NOT enable anonymous users to contribute.  Administrators will disable this if they find it, and may delete your personal space.
* In Theme, select the *default theme* which is designed to reflect the FAI overall look and feel. 
* Click *OK*.  The space will be created with a default home page for you to start work on.


By default a personal space is set to:
* *You*: Full admin permissions.
* *confluence-users*: this is anyone logged in to the wiki: View & comment.
* *anonymous*: this is anyone: no permissions - can't even view your space.

If you wanted non logged in people (ie anyone) to be able to view your space, *edit permissions* and set *anonymous* to *view*.

If you wanted to further restrict people who can view to just the people in your own commission, unset view for confluence-users and add _yourCommission_-delegates to the *groups* section.

{note:title=Please do NOT}
Grant _any_ *create* or *space admin* permissions to anonymous users, except possibly create comment if really necessary. A wiki administrator will delete these if found, and if repeated your personal space will be irrecoverably deleted.{note}

h4. Using your personal space

You can use all the features and [macros] available to any other wiki pages in your personal space.

h4. Removing your personal space

* Go to *Space administration* \--> *Remove space*.
* Your space will be permanently deleted.

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