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Version 1 by Richard Meredith-Hardy
on 02 Sep, 2010 07:59.

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h1. MLR SP24XC flight recorders

[MLR user instructions|^MLR SP24XC instructions.pdf][ Flight recorder instructions.pdf]
[CIMA approval document and user instructions for the MLR|]

CIMA approval document and user instructions for the MLR are contained in the [CIMA section of the main FAI website|] [Download the software|^] .

h2. MLR downloader software

This is used to download the data from MLR SP24XC's which are in CIMA logger mode to IGC format required for flight analysis.
* [Download the software|]. software|^].
* Unzip the file somewhere on your computer.
* Double click on *MlrDownload.exe* or at a shortcut pointing at it.
Use this software to switch a MLR between free flying mode, 2 second flight recorder mode and 5 second flight recorder mode.
* [Download the software|].
* [Download the software.|^][|][Download the software|^]
* Unzip the file somewhere on your computer.
* Double click on *MLR LOAD VL-FF.exe* or at a shortcut pointing at it.
If the display on a MLR shows only *WRONG CHECKSUM WAIT PROGRAM* then the ROM is corrupted. It is possible to achieve this by disconnecting data cable when altering the internal software. The 'nuclear' software can often be used to recover a 'dead' MLR - if this doesn't work then the MLR is truly dead.
* [Download the software|]. software|^].
* Unzip the file somewhere on your computer.
* Double click on *MLR LOAD V1.12.exe* or at a shortcut pointing at it.
* Click the button to start loading the MLR firmware.
* *VERY IMPORTANT Do NOT disconnect the MLR until the process has finished or the logger could be rendered useless for ever\!*
* When finished, go to the MLR's settings menu and *open the serial port* so you can load the normal 2 sec or 5 sec logger firmware as above.

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