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2017 World Games

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h3. The bid to include Paramotors
Paramotors was one of several airsports put forward by FAI so it is exciting news for Paramotor pilots they are one of the two selected. With [ABG|cima:2014 ABG - Phuket], CIMA has been gaining considerable experience of non-FAI organized multi-sport games so it seems certain it will be able to produce a good event.

The original FAI bid proposed the idea of *electric paramotors*. If this can't be done then it won't stop us doing what we always do, but if it can, then it could be a tremendously good thing, but it relies on finding some way of funding it. Since pilots in these games must be selected from the best of 'the best' not 'the richest' then the only sensible solution must be to find a sponsor who can fund c.20 power units for loan to competitors in the event.

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