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10 Sec.10 Annex 4 Navigation Scoring

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The current scoring formula for slalom tasks is punitive to all but the top few pilots, giving them a massive advantage in the overall competition rankings. We contend this is in direct contravention of the spirit of rule 4.29.3. In order to be consistent in the method of spread of points we are proposing that the scoring system for navigation tasks is brought into line with all other tasks which are scored using the log-based principle of slalom. Slalom scoring should not contain special advantages in the overall competition to pilots who are better at slalom flying than other Precision tasks, Navigation tasks or Economy tasks.

A number of different formulae have been tried, but none have been ideal; attracted universal support; this proposal does not dispute the validity or fairness of the current slalom formula in itself. What is directly unfair is that a different scoring system is used for different task types.

By way of example, the score profiles between slalom and navigation tasks can be compared graphically. The best or simplest way to compare the scores distribution  between two different types of task, e.g. navigation and slalom, is graphically, by plotting the scores against pilot ranking in the task.

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