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2010 Activity Report

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h4. Terms of Reference

The WG was established at the 2009 plenary with [the proposal|cimaWiki:CIMA Internet Presence Working Group^CIMA_internet_presence.pdf]:
* That CIMA tasks a working group to investigate the best way of achieving a better CIMA online presence, and gives it the authority to spend up to 250€ in establishing the initial site for delegates review and use.
* If Delegates and FAI secretariat are happy with it, for it to be added to the FAI domain eg as _cima.fai.org_
h4. Activity

In line with the collaborative philosophy laid out in the [original proposal|cimaWiki:CIMA Internet Presence Working Group^CIMA_internet_presence.pdf], the following points were considered essential:

* A web application is a must. It is possible to access the information universally using a common browser from your laptop, phone, e-book...

* [Championships info|cima:Championships]
* [S10 proposals|cimaS10:Current proposals|cimaS10:2010 Proposals]
* [2010 Plenary|cimaPlenaries:Plenary 2010]

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