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12 - Accreditation of the first ACCURACY Championship

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Version 6 by Matteo ORAZI
on 13 Nov, 2022 14:51.

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h3. Reason

More pilots in the sport
*More pilots in the sport*
Accuracy is a competition that will be able to lead to more participating pilots.
The rules are simple and pilots approaching this type of competition will be able to train easily "at home".

Simple and cost-effective organization
*Simple and cost-effective organization*
The organization and management of the event will be simplified.
The competition can be held on any field without special requirements and complicated permits regarding airspace, this will allow more local aero clubs to organize stages for the national championship.

Spectators, sponsors, broadcasting
*Spectators, sponsors, broadcasting*
The accuracy competition will be able to be done in strategic locations for the public, which can offer facilities and allow people to watch the show on the competition field.
The idea is to create a pleasant party atmosphere around the event in which sponsors can join. 

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