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2022 WPC Saquarema

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Classes in competition:
Paramotors: *PF1, PF1f, PL1, PL2*
The Championships are open to all Active Member and Associate Member countries of FAI who may enter:

\-         6 pilots in class PF1m (Foot Launch, male) + 1 pilot PF1f (Foot Launch, female)

\-         6 pilots in class PL1 (Paratrike) + 1 Wheelchair Pilot

\-         4 pilots + copilot in class PL2 (Paratrike tandem)

Entries must be made on the official Entry Form. (Website: [|] )

If applications, with fees paid, are not   received by February 01, 2022, the entry may be refused.

\-         The entry fee is:

\-         €450 (Five hundred euros) for Pilot and Copilot in Each Class

\-         €150 (One hundred and seventy euros) for Team Leader, Assistant, Mechanic, Guest.

The entry fee includes:

\-         Competition operations (setting, controlling, and evaluating the tasks),

\-         All competition materials (maps, task descriptions, control point atlases, pylons, stickers, etc.),

\-         Free use of the airfield and free entry to all official events,

\-         Place for each team with water, electricity and one tent,

\-         Preferential prices to eat.

Official website and results:[||]

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