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h3. CIMA Sub-committees
Sub committees are permanent groups, the chairman and members are appointed or re-appointed annually by the CIMA Plenary.

* [Microlight Sub-Committee|cimaMicrolight:]
* [World Air Games (paramotors) Sub-committee|cimaWAGparamotors:]

h3. CIMA working groups
Sub committees are permanent groups, the chairman and members are appointed or re-appointed annually by the CIMA Plenary.
Working groups are similar to sub-committees except they are established on a temporary basis to address a particular issue and then disband when their work is complete.

h3. CIMA working groups

* [World League Cup working group|cimaContinentalCup:Home]
* [IT working group|cimaWiki:CIMA IT Working Group]
* [Paramotor Endurance Championships Working group|endu:Paramotor Endurance Championships]

Working groups are similar to sub-committees except they are established on a temporary basis to address a particular issue and then disband when their work is complete.


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