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3ABG Information for pilots

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* *Practice the tasks*. Since we want all competing pilots to be adequately competent, the [local regulations and task catalogue|3ABG Local regulations] should be used by pilots as a training aid. Most tasks have a note indicating what constitutes a 'good' performance. Note that giant (12m) inflatable pylons will be used in many of the slalom tasks.

* *Get a FAI Sporting Licence* All competing pilots must have a FAI Sporting licence issued by their NAC, valid for *microlights and paramotors* for the duration of the event, and recorded in the [FAI Sporting Licence database|] (if it is working). Special arrangements are in place for athletes of OCA member nations which are not [FAI members|]. *IMPORTANT* If you are from one of these nations please get in touch with [FAI Secretariat|}] as soon as possible.

* *Organize insurance* All competing pilots must have adequate 3rd party insurance, (the required minimum is stated in the local regulations). Medical insurance is highly recommended.

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